
I would say welcome to my new blog, but that would imply that it’s worth reading. Hopefully, if you know me, you could tell that was sarcasm. If not, then I suggest switching over to pintrest. Now that we have that settled, this blog is my account of my summer study abroad experience. I leave tomorrow, May 11 and will be gone until June 5, exploring and learning about Australia and New Zealand.  Life is too short to waste it sitting in front of the TV, so I’m taking my education halfway across the world to liven things up a bit. This is a dream trip of mine and I am incredibly excited for it, but am still nervous in these pre-departure hours. All thoughts and prayers (as long as they’re nice) will be much appreciated, because two of my greatest fears, snakes and heights, are quite bountiful in the land down under. It is in facing our fears, though, that we truly begin living. Someone famous said that in a book or something…I dunno, but it will be the core of my heart and focus for this trip. I’m going to be pushed outside of my comfort zone (a common side effect you could experience from continuing to read this), but I know that it’s necessary for me to become the man I’m meant to be. Anyways, thanks for reading and make sure to stay tuned in the coming weeks. I plan on posting entries and pictures on this blog every day, so if you don’t hear from me in a while, either I’m having the time of my life, or one of the many deadly things in Australia has eaten me. Just kidding mom.

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