Day 2

Woke up in the mornin’ feelin’ like P Diddy. Actually, no I didn’t. Jet lag really takes a toll on you. After waking up at 3 AM Australia time, I tossed and turned until 7, then the dehydration that had accumulated from prolongated exposure to high altitude caught up with me.arted out as a very unhappy camper this morning, but after my toast and flat white (Australian version of some sort of coffee that really does the job) and the equivalent of an aquifer of water to drink, the day really turned around. Then, I had to pee.

We started off the morning with a visit to the Parliament of New South Wales. For those of you who don’t know ( which is probably most of you…silly Americans), Australia is broken up into different states. Each one has its own parliament and New South Wales is the state in which Sydney resides. It was actually quite interesting to see. Some of the members of parliament take a very direct approach to legislation by yelling things like, “YOU’RE A LIER!” while other people are talking. After our visit to parliament, we had free time for lunch. Some of the guys and I grabbed food from the grocery store and ate it on the roof of our hostel, where the view is quite spectacular. Then, we walked alongside the harbor until we got to the Opera House. The view from the other side of it is incredible (I attached some pictures). After that excursion, we had our first quiz of the trip, which was interesting. I never knew that there could be so much information on a subject that I thought I knew, but didn’t. The interesting part will be our grades when we get them back.

Finally, we finished off the day by going to see “Elijah” at the Sydney Opera House ( I know you put that in italics, but I can’t figure out how to work this blog junk). It was a truly incredible experience that many of us slept through. Opera and jet lag don’t go well together, but thankfully I was able to beat back my animal instincts for the entire show, which I immensely enjoyed. Them Auzzies really know how ta sing. All in all, this was a great day and I am pumped to see what tomorrow holds. Time to turn in for the night. Check in tomorrow to see how things are running’ with the Yellow Cohort.


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